all postcodes in M44 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M44 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M44 6AA 1 1 53.438389 -2.428274
M44 6AB 21 0 53.43812 -2.430091
M44 6AD 44 0 53.439462 -2.429186
M44 6AE 33 0 53.439077 -2.429515
M44 6AF 45 0 53.439266 -2.429336
M44 6AG 30 0 53.443764 -2.425738
M44 6AH 39 0 53.439652 -2.429023
M44 6AJ 19 15 53.439716 -2.426586
M44 6AL 27 0 53.441918 -2.424245
M44 6AN 24 0 53.444154 -2.422234
M44 6AP 14 0 53.442478 -2.426102
M44 6AQ 44 0 53.443402 -2.426623
M44 6AR 17 0 53.441278 -2.427355
M44 6AS 44 0 53.442704 -2.425577
M44 6AT 40 0 53.442526 -2.425259
M44 6AU 8 0 53.443206 -2.423535
M44 6AW 23 0 53.444358 -2.423095
M44 6AX 26 0 53.442212 -2.425106
M44 6AY 24 0 53.442123 -2.424653
M44 6AZ 12 0 53.440661 -2.426279